Befasim i mediave pėr revolt tė Burgosurve tė Gazės tesh 70 vjet pėr buk dhe ujė-Frangjisht- -Gjermanisht-

Meshihati i Bashkėsisė Islame nė Mal tė Zi

Apel pėr Ndihmė

Meshihati i Bashkėsisė Islame me kėtė rast u drejtohet pėr ndihmė tė gjihtė kėshilave dhe nėpėrmjet tyre tė gjithė xhematllinjėve, si shkak i situatės sė re tė krijuar nė Gaza dhe pozitės sė vėshtirė tė popullit palestinez nė ato hapėsira.
Meshihati i Bashkėsisė Islame dėshiron qė edhe Bashkėsija dhe pjestarėt e saj n ė Mal tė Zi tė solidarizohen me popullin e vuajtur tė Palestinės dhe t’i ftojė tė gjithė ata qė i ndjejnė vuajtjet e vėlllazėrve tanė, tė tubojnė mjete finansiare nėpėr kėshilla.
Autorizohen Imamėt qė tė premten, nė namazin e xhumasė, mė 09.01.2009 t’i njoftojnė xhematlinjtėqė ky aksion solidaritetit do tė organizohet tė premten, mė 16.01.2009 nė tė gjitha xhamitė nė Mal tė Zi.
Ju falėnderojmė pėr bashkėpunim dhe Ju pėrcjellim selamet tona.
Mjetet e tubuara mund tė paguhen pėrsonalisht nė Meshihat ose nė Llogarinė rrjellėse tė Meshihatit nr. 550-3615-02
Rifat Fejziq

Plzzzzz Keep forwarding this e-mail. Let people know what happens there.
Por favor reenvia ese mail. El mundo debe saber que pasa alla.
أرجوك استمر في تمرير هذه الرسالة، اجعل العالم يعرف ماذا يحدث هناك في فلسطين

















Making sure they get to school.

Helping Ladies across the street..

Providing childcare.

Allowing them a place to rest (permanently)

Access to Health care.

Construction projects (demolition)

Respecting American and British pacifist resisters (such as American Rachel Corrie)

And others.

And if you are not satisfied, now, with the truth the following pictures are war crimes as defined by the UN, The Hague and the Geneva Convention.

Using images of your enemy dead or alive (violation)

Human shields (violation)

Live Burial Torture (violation)

And as a last resort, Execution (violation)


These IDF soldiers have faces... I can clearly see them...Cant you? Why are they not being prosecuted? Because it is systematic process that is driven by the government designed to force the people of Palestine into exile so Israel can claim all the land and resources.

This where my American tax dollars are going, do you know where your tax dollars are at? TAKE THE TIME TO FIND THE TRUTH. So many lives depend on it I, like so many Americans, am Caucasian, non-Arab, and religious. I can no longer sit back with good conscience and do nothing while my government is supporting the types of terrorist actions that we have condemned Muslim Fundamentalist for. Call your Congressman and Senator, send an email to the White House and demand that our government negotiate FAIRLY with both sides and bring a fair and just solution to Palestine and Israel .